

Due Date for Diversity IWG Proposals

About Diversity Innovation Working Groups

Diversity Innovation Working Groups provide a venue for researchers, educators, and nationally recognized experts to address challenges associated with engaging and retaining women, members of underrepresented groups, and first­‐generation college students in STEM in New Mexico. Successful Diversity IWGs will result in innovative proposals to NSF or other agencies, publication of synthesis papers in peer-‐reviewed journals, or other defined outputs that are likely to contribute to broadening participation in STEM.

For more detailed information, including the full list of eligibility and proposal requirements, view the 2013-2014 Diversity Innovation Working Group Solicitation Announcement (PDF). Proposals must be submitted electronically to Tracy Hart at by 5:00 PM, 20 January 2014.

January 20, 2014, 5:00 pm
Type of Event: 
Proposals due to Tracy Hart,