


In our Energize New Mexico Strategic Plan, NM EPSCoR set goals for expanding informal science education networking and engaging the public through multiple sources. Part of that engagement includes videos about our research and education activities and events. Below you can find a few of our videos, but be sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel as well.


The "Favorites" playlist is a collection of the videos we've made at EPSCoR that are the most useful and fun to watch.

Informal Science Education Events

The mission of the New Mexico Informal Science Education Network (NM ISE Net) is to provide opportunities and resources for informal educators to work together to impact science teaching, science learning, and science awareness throughout the state of New Mexico. The project will award grants to NM ISE Net members to develop programs to communicate EPSCoR science to the public. As the NM ISE Net institutions increase their capacity for collaboration with researchers and become even more effective in delivering educational experiences, partnerships between institutions and local researchers will be on-going.

STEM Advancement Program Testimonials

This playlist includes brief testimonials about the NM EPSCoR STEM Advancement Program from student participants. The playlist also includes our recruitment videos. For information on STEMAP, visit the STEM Advancement Program (STEMAP) page.

Valles Caldera: The Science clips

Over a million years ago a supervolcano exploded in northern New Mexico, sending over 300 cubic kilometers of ash into the atmosphere and leaving behind a crater over 12 miles in diameter. This extraordinary crater is called the Valles Caldera and in the year 2000 became the Valles Caldera National Preserve. ( In the DVD, Valles Caldera: The Science, you'll see how scientists use the Valles Caldera as a natural learning laboratory for research on the impacts of fire, to study the fascinating volcanic geology, and to learn more about how climate change will impact the Southwest. The website, Teacher’s Guide to the Valles Caldera: The Science, will connect teachers and students to the research taking place in the Valles Caldera and help them uncover the crosscutting concepts that drive the Earth's systems. The units on the website include: Fire, Climate Change and Geology

New Mexico Tech Trailer at Valles Caldera National Preserve

Videos from the Valles Caldera National Preserve of the New Mexico Tech water quality research trailer.