NM EPSCoR Education, Outreach & Diversity
An important part of NM EPSCoR’s mission is to cultivate a well-qualified and diverse Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) workforce and develop a strong culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. Through collaborations with organizations ranging from afterschool programs to colleges and universities, from museums to business startup accelerators, NM EPSCoR Education and Outreach programs serve a wide range of audiences across the state.
Education and Outreach goals:
- Supporting workforce development in New Mexico
- Communicating EPSCoR research
- Increasing diversity of STEM participation
Click below to filter NM EPSCoR's Education and Outreach programs by audience.
Diversity Innovation Working Groups (D-IWG)
All D-IWGs have been awarded for the Energize New Mexico project; no additional awards will be made.
Contact Information
Selena Connealy
Email: connealy@epscor.unm.edu
Phone: 505.217.5605
Additional Document(s): 2017 D-IWG Solicitation Information
Faculty, Leadership and Professional Development Institute (FLPDI)
Led by Santa Fe Community College, the FLPDI will develop an institute for STEM faculty from NM community and Tribal colleges and non-research universities to improve undergraduate STEM instruction for diverse student populations.
Contact Information
Selena Connealy
Email: connealy@epscor.unm.edu
Phone: 505.217.5605
Creative Startups
Startup accelerators are popping up around the globe. Yet, Creative-Startups is the first accelerator whose sole purpose is the success of creative + cultural entrepreneurs. Startups we have mentored have gone on to win Emmy awards, finish top in Project Runway, be named to national lists of "Who to Watch" in arts and culture, and receive growth investment. CS Mentors have invested millions in creative enterprises and are passionate about creativity and your success.
Contact Information
Alice Loy
Email: aliceloy@gmail.com
Phone: 505.263.5180
Small exhibits featuring NM EPSCoR energy research are being developed by three NM ISE Net members—NM Museum of Natural History and Science, Explora, and the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History.
Contact Information
Selena Connealy
Email: connealy@epscor.unm.edu
Phone: 505.217.5605
The EPSCoR Externship Program is a research exchange program that allows NM graduate students (with an existing assistantship) to spend a semester or summer doing research at a partnering New Mexico university or research facility. This exchange provides opportunities to 1) conduct research in a host lab, 2) take courses at the host institution, and 3) interact within the host’s laboratory and institution. The cross-institutional cooperation among universities, research labs, and industry across New Mexico helps the success of future research, proposals, publications and collaborations.
Contact Information
Tracy Hart
Email: tlhart@unm.edu
Phone: 505.226.4164
Additional Document(s): Externship Flyer (PDF)
Growing Up Thinking Computationally (GUTC)
GUTC students build computer models and conduct computational science research projects in classes and afterschool programs at middle schools across New Mexico. GUTC provides participating students with the opportunity to envision themselves as future scientists.
Contact Information
Enrico Pontelli
Email: epontell@cs.nmsu.edu
Infrastructure Seed Awards
All Seed Awards have been awarded for the Energize New Mexico project; no additional awards will be made.
The intent of the ISA program is to increase the access of undergraduate students, especially women and members of underrepresented groups, to research experiences by increasing non-PhD granting institutions’ capacity to provide research experiences for students. Click "About the Program" for more info.
Contact Information
Anne Jakle
Email: ajakle@epscor.unm.edu
Phone: 505.226.2688
Interdisciplinary Innovation Working Groups (I-IWG)
All I-IWGs have been awarded for the Energize New Mexico project; no additional awards will be made.
Interdisciplinary Innovation Working Groups (I-IWG) provide a venue for researchers, educators, and nationally recognized experts to address grand challenges that require an interdisciplinary approach to transform science. IWG support (up to $7500) is aimed at working groups that emphasize the collaborative development and testing of important ideas and theories, cutting-edge analysis of recent or existing data and information, the use of sound science policy and management decisions, and investigation of social issues that pertain to energy development that minimizes impacts on water and the environment. Proposals are solicited at least annually and can be submitted by any individual from a New Mexico academic institution or national laboratory.
Contact Information
Anne Jakle
Email: ajakle@epscor.unm.edu
Phone: 505.226.2688
Natives In STEM
Natives in STEM is a new collaborative project between NM EPSCoR and the American Indian Science and Engineering Society. The project aims to increase Native American identity and sense of belonging in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) by creating and sharing positive images and stories of Native STEM professionals. Images will be presented as posters and stories will be shared through the NativesInSTEM.org website.
Contact Information
Chelsea Chee
Email: crchee@epscor.unm.edu
Phone: 505.369.6109
Network Activities
A core group of 10 museums and four statewide organizations participates in NM ISE Net activities which include planning meetings, informal science education professional training, and collaboration on exhibits, programs, and teacher professional development. NM ISE Net also sponsors programs that are open to the broader ISE community in NM.
Contact Information
Selena Connealy
Email: connealy@epscor.unm.edu
Phone: 505.217.5605
NM EPSCoR Post-Doc Leadership Workshop
Participants in this three-day workshop will gain skills and practice in group facilitation and leadership, communicating their research to the media, project management and proposal writing tips, and other career-building resources appropriate for those in post doctoral positions. The workshop will be offered twice: January 2015 and January 2017.
Contact Information
Tracy Hart
Email: tlhart@unm.edu
Phone: 505.226.4164
NM STEM-H Connection
NM STEM Connection provides information about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) resources for NM students, teachers, parents, counselors, and administrators as well as higher education faculty/staff as well as community members interested in the promotion of STEM education in New Mexico.
Contact Information
STEM-H Connection
Email: info@nmstemconnection.org
Phone: 505.277.5590
STEM Advancement Program (STEMAP)
Each year, the STEM Advancement Program (STEMAP) engages students from New Mexico regional universities, community colleges, and tribal colleges in the research funded by New Mexico EPSCoR. During the summer, 10 to 12 students take part in a week of prep workshops at New Mexico Tech then spend seven to eight weeks working with New Mexico EPSCoR-funded faculty and students on cutting edge research that is important to New Mexico. Additionally, students can continue to participate into the academic year for monthly webinars or extended research.
Contact Information
Selena Connealy
Email: connealy@epscor.unm.edu
Phone: 505.217.5605
Teach Data
TeachData lessons highlight scientific data and results from NM EPSCoR researchers working on projects across the state. These science- and data-rich lessons are designed for middle and high school teachers and students. Each lesson can be used as a stand-alone data literacy activity or as part of a larger course of study in environmental science, biology, chemistry or earth science. Interdisciplinary lessons support learning in Common Core State Standards in Mathematics and English/Language Arts and Next Generation Science Standards.
Contact Information
Selena Connealy
Email: connealy@epscor.unm.edu
Phone: 505.217.5605
Teacher Professional Development
The mission of the New Mexico Informal Science Education Network (NM ISE Net) is to provide opportunities and resources for informal educators to work together to impact science teaching, science learning, and science awareness throughout the state of New Mexico. The NM Museum of Natural History and Science leads NM ISE Net with support from NM EPSCoR.
Contact Information
Selena Connealy
Email: connealy@epscor.unm.edu
Phone: 505.217.5605
Teachers Guide to the Valles Caldera: The Science
Over a million years ago a supervolcano exploded in northern New Mexico, sending over 300 cubic kilometers of ash into the atmosphere and leaving behind a crater over 12 miles in diameter. This extraordinary crater is called the Valles Caldera and in the year 2000 became the Valles Caldera National Preserve. The website, Teacher’s Guide to Valles Caldera: The Science, connects teachers and students to the research taking place in the Valles Caldera and help them uncover the crosscutting concepts that drive the Earth's systems. Read more about the Teachers guide to the Valles Caldera at http://vcnpearthsystems.nmepscor.net.
Contact Information
Selena Connealy
Email: connealy@epscor.unm.edu
Phone: 505-217-5605
Undergraduate Visualization and Modeling Network (UVNM)
The Undergraduate Visualization and Modeling Network (UVMN) provides professional development for instructors (faculty) and students from Primarily Undergraduate Institutions (PUI) in the three consortium states—ID, NM, and NV. The UVMN provides an opportunity to engage diverse students in undergraduate research and Cyberinfrastructured-enabled education. The program has three components: a summer workshop, educational module development and implementation, and an on-going virtual community.
Contact Information
Selena Connealy
Email: connealy@epscor.unm.edu
Phone: 505.217.5605
Additional Document(s): 2015 UVMN Description & Application