
The EPSCoR Externship Program is a research exchange program that allows NM graduate students (with an existing assistantship) to spend a semester or summer doing research at a partnering New Mexico university or research facility. This exchange provides opportunities to 1) conduct research in a host lab, 2) take courses at the host institution, and 3) interact within the host’s laboratory and institution. The cross-institutional cooperation among universities, research labs, and industry across New Mexico helps the success of future research, proposals, publications and collaborations.
The EPSCoR externship will:
- augment the graduate experience for students (or exceptional undergraduates) by providing additional research experience at other research institutions or facilities; and
- boost collaboration among the graduate-degree-granting institutions in New Mexico (UNM, NMT, NMSU, ENMU and NMHU), as well as Sandia and Los Alamos National Labs and the New Mexico Consortium.
The cross-institutional collaboration among universities and research facilities will help the success of future research, publications, proposals, and collaborations. We are supportive of bi-directional exchange, rather than one-directional exchange, to better support the long-term goals of institutional collaboration. The involvement of host lab faculty as a member on the exchange student’s graduate committee is encouraged.
Externships are available Spring 2016 through Spring 2018. Admission to the externship will be decided with an application process that considers proposed research, transcripts, lab availability, and letters of recommendation from the home and host advisors.
The externship is intended for graduate students with an assistantship at their home institution. Students selected for the externship will receive externship funds for lodging and travel.
Application Information:
- This application can only be submitted once and cannot be saved. Be sure to review it before submitting.
- Include the names and contact information for your faculty advisor as well as the research host for your externship. They will be providing references for you. We will contact your references via email for their support letters after your application is submitted.
- Have an official or unofficial electronic version of your transcript ready to attach to your application before beginning the application.
- Apply here!
Application deadlines for 2017
- Spring 2018: January 8, 2018