Lakota Cosmology Meets Particle Physics: Converging Worldviews
Lakota Cosmology meets Particle Physics: Converging Worldviews, is an interdisciplinary collaboration that investigates native science, western science and the arts as parallel ‘ways of knowing’ and understanding our place in the universe. Only through open dialogue and interdisciplinary exchange can we begin to move toward a new worldview; One that combines the advances of the scientific method and technological innovations with native science as a life-sustaining ecology that is participatory and in balance with nature. Biocultura hosts a presentation by the team. This project is in partnership with ATLAS Experiment at CERN and Quarknet, whom provide virtual and real visits with physicists and the latest research to share with students.
There are 3 events spread over 2 days in Taos, Española, and Santa Fe, plus a Youth Workshop. View the PDF for full information, and RSVP to the Taos event here, the Española event here, and the Santa Fe event here. All events are free of charge.