NM EPSCoR Events
Co-sponsored by the NM Informal Science Education Network (NM ISE Net) and NM EPSCoR with support from the Anderson Abruzzo International Balloon Museum.
Dr. Falk will present an overview of what is currently known about when, why and where the public learns science. He will share results from a variety of recent large-scale investigations of science learning to document the significant role that informal educational experiences have in building a scientifically-informed public.
Presented by the Sigma Xi, Scientific Research Society in cooperation with the Las Cruces Museum of Nature and Science, with support from the New Mexico Informal Science Education Network (NM ISE Net) and NM EPSCoR, Dr. Lammers will describe various algae-based technologies with a focus on the desert southwest, including algae isolated from acidic hot springs, techniques that dramatically limit water consumption, and extraction of useful bio-chemicals from wet biomass. Learn how algal oils and proteins are opening new business opportunities. This event is free.
In addition to meeting the NSF requirement, this is an opportunity for NM EPSCoR students to meet their colleagues across institutions and research components. The training will be interactive and fun as well as informative.
NM EPSCoR is now calling for proposals for Diversity Innovation Working Group funding. Mary Jo Daniel, NM EPSCoR Associate Director, will host an informational webinar about the Diversity Innovation Working Group proposal process on Monday, November 25, 4:00-4:30 pm. Space is limited. If you wish to participate, please click to read more.
NM EPSCoR is now calling for proposals for Infrastructure Seed Award funding. Mary Jo Daniel, NM EPSCoR Associate Director, will host an informational webinar about the Infrastructure Seed Award proposal process on Tuesday, November 26, 1:00-2:00 pm. Space is limited. If you wish to participate, click to read more.
NM EPSCoR's RII 4: Energize New Mexico participants are invited to attend a strategic planning session August 19 and August 20. For more information, contact Natalie Willoughby