

NMAS 2014 Research Symposium

The New Mexico Academy of Science (NMAS) and its partners, the New Mexico Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (NM EPSCoR), the New Mexico Partnership for Math and Science Education (NMPMSE), and the New Mexico Alliance for Minority Participation (NM AMP), invite you to the 2014 Research Symposium! The event is open to the public, and will focus on Sustainable Energy Development in New Mexico and The Water–Energy–Environment Nexus.

We encourage all EPSCoR participants of the current RII4 project to submit abstracts for a paper presentation or a poster presentation, especially students looking to diversify their presentation and speaking skills. If you are interested in submitting an abstract, please read the Abstract Submission Guidelines for instructions. You must register for the event in order to be eligible to present; deadline to submit an abstract is September 30, 2014.

If you are interested in attending the symposium, please click here by October 24, 2014 to register.

November 1, 2014, 11:00 am to 6:00 pm
Type of Event: 
Albuquerque Hyatt Downtown