

STEMAP 2016 Presentation Day

The STEM Advancement Program (STEMAP) engages students from New Mexico regional universities, community colleges and tribal colleges in the research funded by New Mexico EPSCoR. This summer, students will participate in a week of workshops at New Mexico Tech on energy topics and scientific research and spent eight weeks working with New Mexico EPSCoR-funded faculty and students on cutting edge research that is important to New Mexico. The summer program concludes with the STEMAP Student Research Conference on July 29 at which the students present their results.

RSVP for the event here!


930a - Morning snack (coffee, tea, pastries)
1000a - Welcome
1015a - Research of Energy Materials, Adriana Lujan Paez & Adriana Gallegos
1045a - Assessing Uranium Contamination in Stream Sediment, Brianne Willis & Derrick Platero
1100a - Break
1130a - Osmotic Membrane Development, Araceli Saldana & Vanessa Ward
1200p - Bioremediation: Is Water in Trouble?, Emily Peterson
1215p - An Investigation of the Carotenogenesis of Two North American Microalgae, Aubree Turner
1230p - Lunch (provided by STEM Advancement Program)
100p - Have Your Say: Energy Production in New Mexico, Luis Garcia & Nakita Fluhman
130p - Electromagnetic Surveys & Modeling of Geothermal Groundwater Flow Systems, Michelle Sherman & Adrianna Nieto
200p - Conversion of Bulk Carbon Nitride (C3N4) Photocatalyst to C3N4 Nanosheet for Improved Photocatalytic Rhodamine b (RhB) Reduction – Andrew White
215p - Closing

July 29, 2016, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Type of Event: 
Albert Lyons Event Center: 2953 South Broadway - Truth or Consequences