

Water Resources Research Institute Animas River Conference

The New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute (NM WRRI) will host a three-day conference in May 2016 to facilitate the exchange of data and ideas among four states, three Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regions, two Tribes, and numerous local and municipal agencies and public water systems. The conference will bring together an estimated 200 participants to gain a better understanding of the theme of the conference, Environmental Conditions of the Animas and San Juan Watersheds with Emphasis on Gold King Mine and other Mine Waste Issues.

The goal of the conference is to disseminate information and results from monitoring and research efforts in the Animas San Juan watershed. The conference will bring together academics, agencies, representatives, and community members and provide a forum for addressing concerns and questions over the Gold King Mine spill and the continuing monitoring efforts.

For more information, including abstract submissions, registration, location, and conference schedule, visit

May 17, 2016, 9:00 am to May 19, 2016, 5:00 pm
San Juan College, Farmington, NM