Webinars about STEMAP & UVMN
NM EPSCoR will be hosting four introductory webinars on the STEM Advancement Program and the Undergraduate Visualization and Monitoring Network.
- Wednesday, January 28 from 10a to 11a
- Thursday, January 29 from 1p to 2p
- Tuesday, February 10 from 11a to 12p
- Wednesday, February 25 from 11a to 12p
Webinars are projected to be 30 minutes long. Email Chelsea Chee at crchee@epscor.unm.edu to get connection information. See below for more information about Summer 2015 programs:
- STEM Advancement Program (STEMAP) is a paid summer research experiences for undergraduates at PUIs;
- Undergraduate Visualization and Monitoring Network (UVMN) is a paid, 3-day training and follow-up activities for undergraduate students and faculty at PUIs.