Interdisciplinary Innovation Working Groups (I-IWG)
All I-IWGs have been awarded for the Energize New Mexico project; no additional awards will be made.
- Interdisciplinary Innovation Working Groups (I-IWG) provide a venue for researchers, educators, and nationally recognized experts to address grand challenges that require an interdisciplinary approach to transform science. I-IWG support (up to $7500) is aimed at working groups that emphasize the collaborative development and testing of important ideas and theories, cutting-edge analysis of recent or existing data and information, the use of sound science policy and management decisions, and investigation of social issues that pertain to energy development that minimizes impacts on water and the environment.
- Any individual from a New Mexico academic institution or national laboratory may submit a proposal; postdocs are encouraged to submit as a co-PI. Direct involvement in an EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement (RII)-funded project is NOT a prerequisite for submitting a proposal.