NM EPSCoR-Sponsored Summer Modeling Course
Special Topics in Water Resources: An Introduction of Powersim Modeling in Water/Energy/Economic Issues
The water/energy nexus is increasingly important especially in states like New Mexico where fossil fuels are an important part of economic activity and water is scarce. Systems dynamic modeling provides a platform that allows for the simultaneous interaction of multiple factors across disciplines to assess the outcomes and tradeoffs of these types of problems. This course provides an introduction to systems dynamics modeling with Powersim. The course will provide the basic modeling structure and techniques, applied to energy/water/economic problems, and will utilize both face-to-face lectures as well as real-time, online meetings. This course is offered through UNM but is ipen to any graduate student enrolled in a public New Mexico university through cross-enrollment.
Enrollment requires instructor permission and is capped at 15 students. For more information, contact Janie Chermak, jchermak@unm.edu.
- July 6, 11:00 AM–5:00 PM
- July 7, 8:00 AM–2:00 PM
- July 12, 26, 29, 4:00 PM–5:30 PM (real-time, online meeting—required)