Derrick Platero
I am working with another undergraduate, Brianne Willis from ENMU. We have been given lab training by graduate students at NM Tech. We recently (6-21-16) and (6-24-16) went out onto the field of the Laguna Pueblo reservation to collect soil samples. these soil sites were given by Dan Cadal as his graduate students took us to the site. in the future we have more sites to go to. they are the Laguna and Isleta Pueblo reservations. we collect an average of 20-25 samples on each trip. when we return to tech, we sort out out the samples and dry them in a oven. when done, we powered them with a machine and put them thru an ICP machine along with other chemicals to get reading of uranium. Brianne and i collect the samples and determine where the site is via GPS. we also collect water samples if any in the washes or given sites. we put the water in 2 separate bottles. 1 with acid and the other just a regular water sample with no acids. they are analytical done when we return to tech. we are also responsible for lab data reports and accuracy.