Education & Outreach
This morning, University of New Mexico President Bob Frank sent out his weekly newsletter to the UNM community. This week featured stories about innovation coming out of higher education institutions in order to drive the country forward, and how research universities like UNM play a role in the country's economic competitiveness. New Mexico EPSCoR was featured as one of the sources of UNM innovation.
A new $20 million Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) grant from the National Science Foundation will support key research into ways to make New Mexico an energy sufficient state. The research will focus on ways to improve efficiency of sustainable energy resource utilization and to minimize environmental impacts of uranium mining and oil and gas production.
As part of the new Track 1, RII-4 grant, New Mexico EPSCoR has fully redesigned the website with our participants and the public in mind. The redesign includes a new way to get NM EPSCoR-related news, events, and science stories out to the public - the Science and News Blog!
New Mexico, Nevada and Idaho have received a new grant from the National Science Foundation to create a Western Consortium for Watershed Analysis, Visualization and Exploration (WC-WAVE) to advance watershed science, workforce development and education with cyber infrastructure enabled discovery and innovation.
The consortium will receive up to $6 million over a three year period in Research Infrastructure Improvement Track-2 awards. The awards are part of NSF’s Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR).