Faculty (80)
Graduate Student (66)
Postdoc (1)
Non-Technical Support Staff (16)
Technical Support Staff (18)
Undergraduate Student (83)
Non-Technical Support Staff
Ayesha Burdett
Email: ayesha.burdett@state.nm.us
Component: External Engagement
Institution: NM Museum of Natural History and Science
Jocelyne Comstock
Email: jcomstock@desertacademy.org
Component: Workforce Development
Institution: Santa Fe Institute
Jennifer Cordova
Email: jennifer.cordova@mesd.us
Component: Workforce Development
Institution: Santa Fe Institute
Lina Germann
Email: lsgermann@gmail.com
Component: Workforce Development
Institution: Santa Fe Institute
Susan Gibbs
Email: su.susangibbs@gmail.com
Component: Workforce Development
Institution: Santa Fe Institute
John Paul Gonzales
Email: jp@santafe.edu
Component: Workforce Development
Institution: Santa Fe Institute
Katheryn Madrid
Email: KMadrid@edac.unm.edu
Component: Cyberinfrastructure
Institution: University of New Mexico
Sandra Mentz
Email: smentz@edac.unm.edu
Component: Cyberinfrastructure
Institution: University of New Mexico
Patricia Meyer
Email: pmeyer2843@gmail.com
Component: Workforce Development
Institution: Santa Fe Institute
Deb Novak
Email: Debra.Novak@state.nm.us
Component: Workforce Development
Institution: NM Museum of Natural History and Science
Carla Romero
Email: csromero55@gmail.com
Component: Workforce Development
Institution: Santa Fe Institute
Amy Slater
Email: amy@creativestartups.org
Component: Workforce Development
Institution: Global Center for Cultural Entrepreneurship
Rachel Veracka
Email: rachel.veracka@state.nm.us
Component: External Engagement
Institution: NM Museum of Natural History and Science