Yulia Getmanenko
Project development and organization; design, synthesis and evaluation of properties of novel materials; manuscript preparation; training and mentoring of students; lab management; purchasing of chemicals and instrumentation.
At New Mexico EPSCoR, we are working to improve the research, cyberinfrastructure, and human resources required for New Mexico to achieve its energy, education, and workforce development potential. The infrastructure and activities of Energize New Mexico are designed to support shared-use equipment. At New Mexico EPSCoR, we are working to improve the research, cyberinfrastructure, and human resources required for New Mexico to achieve its energy, education, and workforce development potential.
Energize New Mexico will help lead the nation in harnessing and promoting sustainable energy resources, cultivating a well-qualified Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) workforce, and developing a sustainable culture of entrepreneurship and innovation. Energize New Mexico will help lead the nation in harnessing and promoting sustainable energy resources, cultivating a well-qualified STEM workforce, and developing a sustainable culture of entrepreneurship and innovation.
This Data Portal site provides access to data generated by the Energize New Mexico project as well as data gathered in our previous project that focused on Climate Change Impacts (RII 3).
Project development and organization; design, synthesis and evaluation of properties of novel materials; manuscript preparation; training and mentoring of students; lab management; purchasing of chemicals and instrumentation.