Natives in STEM is a new collaborative project between NM EPSCoR and the American Indian Science and Engineering Society. The project aims to increase Native American identity and sense of belonging in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) by creating and sharing positive images and stories of Native STEM professionals. Images will be presented as posters and stories will be shared through the NativesInSTEM.org website.
TeachData lessons highlight scientific data and results from NM EPSCoR researchers working on projects across the state. These science- and data-rich lessons are designed for middle and high school teachers and students. Each lesson can be used as a stand-alone data literacy activity or as part of a larger course of study in environmental science, biology, chemistry or earth science. Interdisciplinary lessons support learning in Common Core State Standards in Mathematics and English/Language Arts and Next Generation Science Standards.
GUTC students build computer models and conduct computational science research projects in classes and afterschool programs at middle schools across New Mexico. GUTC provides participating students with the opportunity to envision themselves as future scientists.
The mission of the New Mexico Informal Science Education Network (NM ISE Net) is to provide opportunities and resources for informal educators to work together to impact science teaching, science learning, and science awareness throughout the state of New Mexico. The NM Museum of Natural History and Science leads NM ISE Net with support from NM EPSCoR.