NSF Webinar: Broadening Participation in STEM

The National Science Foundation Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) is hosting a FREE Webinar on June 14, 2018 from 11:00am-1:30 pm MT.
NSF Program Officers and Staff will highlight current funding opportunities available at NSF targeting underrepresented groups in STEM and Minority Serving Institutions. Funding opportunities for programs like NSF INCLUDES, ADVANCE, LifeSTEM, IUSE, ITEST, GRFP and many others will be highlighted. Representatives from all four divisions in EHR will be represented.
- Division of Research on Learning
- Division of Graduate Education
- Division of Undergraduate Education
- Division of Human Resource Development
In addition, Q & A opportunities with Program Officers will be provided during the webinar. Administrators, faculty, researchers, evaluators, and other STEM education leaders working to broaden participation in STEM in formal and or informal contexts are encouraged to attend.
Please register here as soon as possible.