Past Events
Free activities for all ages celebrating the amazing world of science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM). Food Trucks! Mascots! Fun for the whole family!
Interdisciplinary Innovation Working Groups (I-IWG) provide a venue for researchers, educators, and nationally recognized experts to address grand challenges that require an interdisciplinary approach to transform science. I-IWG support (up to $7500) is aimed at working groups that emphasize the collaborative development and testing of important ideas and theories, cutting-edge analysis of recent or existing data and information, the use of sound science policy and management decisions, and investigation of social issues that pertain to energy development that minimizes impacts on water and the environment.
This year's meeting will be at the CNM Workforce Development Training Center in Albuquerque on April 27th. This meeting is an important opportunity to demonstrate progress on our project goals, further collaborations, and discover new synergies. Your active involvement is critical to our success!
Registration is now closed.
If you have any questions or need information regarding the meeting please contact Anne Jakle at 505-814-7010 or
The NM EPSCoR Teacher Professional Development Institute is a comprehensive professional development course for teachers that provides all the necessary ingredients for building a scientific way of thinking in teachers and students, focusing on science content, pedagogy, and literacy. This workshop focuses on developing teachers' understanding of energy, not an energy curriculum for students. Teachers will:
Lakota Cosmology meets Particle Physics: Converging Worldviews, is an interdisciplinary collaboration that investigates native science, western science and the arts as parallel ‘ways of knowing’ and understanding our place in the universe. Only through open dialogue and interdisciplinary exchange can we begin to move toward a new worldview; One that combines the advances of the scientific method and technological innovations with native science as a life-sustaining ecology that is participatory and in balance with nature. Biocultura hosts a presentation by the team.
DataONE Webinar: Engaging with data creators and users to foster a culture of data sharing and reuse
Researchers are increasingly attuned to the need to share and reuse data, but often do not know where to start.
The NM EPSCoR Mentoring Award is designed to recognize two NM EPSCoR participants who not only build relationships with students and support their academic, research, and career endeavors, but also work to create inclusive environments for our diverse students. NM EPSCoR is seeking nominations for one NM EPSCoR faculty or staff member and one NM EPSCoR graduate student who have the following characteristics:
R2R is the NSF-supported repository for environmental sensor data routinely acquired by U.S. oceanographic research vessels. The research fleet supports hundreds of expeditions around the world each year, ranging from oceans to coasts and estuaries to the Great Lakes. R2R works with an extensive network of partner repositories to link original field data from both sensors and samples, post-field products, global syntheses, and journal articles.
Diversity Innovation Working Groups (D-IWG) provide a venue for researchers, educators, and nationally recognized experts to address challenges associated with engaging and retaining women, members of under-represented groups, and first-generation college students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) in New Mexico. Successful D-IWGs will result in innovative proposals to NSF or other agencies, publication of synthesis papers in peer-reviewed journals, or other defined outputs that are likely to contribute to broadening participation in STEM.
Creative Startups Labs is for entrepreneurs taking their first steps in building a new creative venture. During the intensive four week program, you will focus on identifying a market entry strategy, pursuing early customers, and creating a minimum viable product. Concepts including customer discovery and development, business formation and structures, cash flow projections, and creating a sales pipeline are covered. Startups will meet in person to work with Creative Startups faculty, mentors, and market leaders.