Groundwater–surface-water (GW-SW) interactions in streams are difficult to quantify because of heterogeneity
in hydraulic and reactive processes across a range of spatial and temporal scales. The challenge of
quantifying these interactions has led to the development of several techniques, from centimeter-scale probes to
whole-system tracers, including chemical, thermal, and electrical methods. We co-applied conservative and smart
reactive solute-tracer tests, measurement of hydraulic heads, distributed temperature sensing, vertical profiles of
solute tracer and temperature in the stream bed, and electrical resistivity imaging in a 450-m reach of a 3rd-order
stream. GW-SW interactions were not spatially expansive, but were high in flux through a shallow hyporheic zone
surrounding the reach. NaCl and resazurin tracers suggested different surface–subsurface exchange patterns in
the upper ⅔ and lower ⅓ of the reach. Subsurface sampling of tracers and vertical thermal profiles quantified
relatively high fluxes through a 10- to 20-cm deep hyporheic zone with chemical reactivity of the resazurin tracer
indicated at 3-, 6-, and 9-cm sampling depths. Monitoring of hydraulic gradients along transects with MINIPOINT
streambed samplers starting ∼40 m from the stream indicated that groundwater discharge prevented
development of a larger hyporheic zone, which progressively decreased from the stream thalweg toward the banks.
Distributed temperature sensing did not detect extensive inflow of ground water to the stream, and electrical
resistivity imaging showed limited large-scale hyporheic exchange. We recommend choosing technique(s) based
on: 1) clear definition of the questions to be addressed (physical, biological, or chemical processes), 2) explicit
identification of the spatial and temporal scales to be covered and those required to provide an appropriate context
for interpretation, and 3) maximizing generation of mechanistic understanding and reducing costs of implementing
multiple techniques through collaborative research.
A.S. Ward, C. Hatch, A.N. Wlotowski, K. Singha, M.N. Gooseff, R. Haggerty, J.W. Harvey, O. Cirpka, J. Brock