PEARL, or Process and Experiment Automation Realtime Language, is a computer programming language designed for multitasking and real-time programming. Being a high level language.
PEARL is not to be confused with the similarly named Perl.
PEARL is a higher programming language, which allows a comfortable, secure and almost processor independent programming of multitasking- and realtime problems. Besides the simple possibility to map process technical problems, an important principle at the development of PEARL was the easy learning by the programmer. Everyone who already knows a procedural programming language will get acquainted with PEARL in a very short time.
All basic data types and language structures of other procedural programming languages exist in PEARL.
PEARL supports fixed point and floating point numeric values, character and character string data as well as bit values. It also provides facilities for structures and multi-dimensional arrays. Both typed and untyped pointers are also supported, along with typecasting.
PEARL offers comfortable language elements for the handling of multitasking- and realtime tasks.