EPSCoR Events
In order to put the focus on our amazing people in the Energize New Mexico project, we are continuing our NM EPSCoR Spotlight series! We feature someone in the project and learn a little more about where they come from, and what they do for Energize New Mexico. This month, we have Natalie Rogers, Public Relations Specialist for the NM EPSCoR State Office. Natalie has a Mathematics degree from the University of New Mexico and has been with NM EPSCoR for seven years. She helps create the face of NM EPSCoR to the public and makes us look good. Learn more about Natalie below.
Explora, with support from the NM EPSCoR-funded New Mexico Informal Science Education Network (NM ISE Net), hosts a free Teen Science Café (TSC) about once a month to encourage teen interest in and engagement with STEM. Local scientists or engineers are invited to present their research in a teen-friendly way – through hands-on activities and in-depth discussions. The TSC events are attended by a variety of teens including the Explora Youth Interns.
NM EPSCoR is proud to announce a new video, created for the National Science Foundation Site Visit panelists, is now live and on YouTube. You can view it below, or visit our YouTube page.
Fall 2015, what a season it's been! NM EPSCoR made its mark at several national events thanks to STEM Advancement Program students and two collaboration efforts. You may have seen our students, our partners, or me at:
Thank you to everyone who attended the New Mexico Academy of Science Research Symposium on November 14th. It was a symposium for the record books: 58 posters, 30 presentations, and over 150 attendees. Dr. Vipin Gupta of Sandia National Laboratories kicked off our day with his keynote about the Power on Demand Research Challenge, and encouraged us to think differently about power consumption at all scales. After the luncheon and keynote came the first group of concurrent sessions, followed by the poster session and our final group of concurrent sessions.
Earlier this month, I attended an EPSCoR-funded Innovation Working Group (IWG), spearheaded by our very own Dr. Mike Heagy. IWGs provide a venue for researchers, educators, and nationally recognized experts to address grand challenges that require an interdisciplinary approach to transform science. You can learn more about them in the education section of our website.
A report from Chelsea, our Diversity Coordinator: I started off the summer with the largest group of STEM Advancement Program students to date - 14 students! They all spent a week together at New Mexico Tech then went their separate ways to their research sites in Albuquerque, Socorro, or Las Cruces. At the end of last month, their summer research concluded with presentations.
Check out their presentation titles below:
Educators from seven different New Mexico Informal Science Education Network (NM ISE Net) institutions supported the 2015 Energize New Mexico Teacher Professional Development Institute in Farmington at the beginning of June.
Twenty-two elementary and middle school teachers representing three school districts gathered at the Farmington Museum for a five-day workshop to learn about energy and connections to literacy and assessment. The course was based on WestEd’s Making Sense of Science Energy course with some additional material about New Mexico’s energy resources.
This blog is a long time coming, but as most of you know, the 2015 All Hands Meeting took place on April 17, 2015. We had a packed house at the New Mexico Tech Fidel Center, and the day was spent collaborating and networking. The morning sessions helped the group examine implicit biases, and the afternoon sessions combined two components together to discuss progress in the project thus far as well as ideas for the future. The luncheon keynote was presented by NSF EPSCoR Program Officer Audrey Levine.
NM EPSCoR Director Bill Michener has been away on sabbatical for several months in Australia, and we've been tracking the exploits of Bill and his wife Barbara on their blog barbara-bill.com. Bill returns to the office next week, and this opinionated camel doesn't seem too happy about it. Welcome back, Bill!