


In early June, Laurel Saito of the University of Nevada, Reno spearheaded the WC-WAVE Interdisciplinary Modeling Course in Boise, Idaho. Boise State University welcomed students from Idaho, Nevada, and New Mexico for the course that was funded by the WC-WAVE grant. Boise State has a full report of the course up on their website—the following is an excerpt from that report, written by Kathleen Tuck.

New Mexico EPSCoR is proud to partner with smaller colleges around the state in order to provide research opportunities to students at non-research schools. Mesalands Community College in Tucumcari, NM is a new participant in the WC-WAVE Undergraduate Visualization and Modeling Network (UVMN) program.

Last week was a busy one for the Western Consortium for Watershed Analysis, Visualization, and Exploration (WC-WAVE)! Along with the Tri-State Western Consortium Meeting at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History, two different groups of WC-WAVE participants gathered in separate classrooms at the University of New Mexico for specialized training.

The Journal for Contemporary Water Research and Education just released a special issue (Issue 152) dedicated to the Tri-State Interdisciplinary Modeling Class, part of the Western Consortium for Cyberinfrastructure Development grant. The journal includes articles and case studies by Sam Fernald (NMSU), José Rivera (UNM) and Carlos Ochoa (NMSU), all researchers under our previous New Mexico EPSCoR project. Sam Fernald is currently part of our Social & Natural Science Nexus component team.

Our friends and partners over at Nevada EPSCoR have finished and posted a video about the Western Consortium Track 2 accomplishments and impacts with regards to connectivity between research institutions in New Mexico, Idaho, and Nevada. The video features our very own Associate Director Mary Jo Daniel, as well as Alice Loy of the Global Center for Cultural Entrepreneurship. Check out the video below!

As politicians debate the significance of climate change evidence, the world and its habitats are changing. Several species face extinction by 2050 due to various consequences of human activities, and scientists have spent a great deal of time and research on finding and perfecting intervention techniques to prevent total extinction of some species. One of those techniques, "facilitated adaptation" was the focus of a commentary recently published in the science journal Nature.

New Mex­ico, Nevada and Idaho have received a new grant from the National Sci­ence Foun­da­tion to cre­ate a West­ern Con­sor­tium for Water­shed Analy­sis, Visu­al­iza­tion and Explo­ration (WC-WAVE) to advance water­shed sci­ence, work­force devel­op­ment and edu­ca­tion with cyber infra­struc­ture enabled dis­cov­ery and innovation.

The con­sor­tium will receive up to $6 mil­lion over a three year period in Research Infra­struc­ture Improve­ment Track-2 awards. The awards are part of NSF’s Exper­i­men­tal Pro­gram to Stim­u­late Com­pet­i­tive Research (EPSCoR).