

A Busy Week for Track 2

Last week was a busy one for the Western Consortium for Watershed Analysis, Visualization, and Exploration (WC-WAVE)! Along with the Tri-State Western Consortium Meeting at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History, two different groups of WC-WAVE participants gathered in separate classrooms at the University of New Mexico (UNM) for specialized training.

Summer Graduate Interdisciplinary CSMDS Training

Beginning Wednesday, May 28, graduate students and faculty from Idaho, New Mexico, and Nevada met at UNM for a three-day Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS) training workshop. This event followed the successful Snow Camp and Winter Tri-State Meeting in Boise, Idaho. Participants had two days of classroom training on Basic Model Interface implementation in CSDMS, followed by the Tri-State Meeting and two days of outdoor activities: a field trip to the Jemez Mountains to view the watershed the students are modeling, and a river rafting trip down the Rio Chama.

Undergraduate Visualization and Modeling Network (UVMN) Program

Undergraduates from several Tri-State primarily undergraduate institutions (PIUs) participarted in a three-day summer workshop on modeling and visualization, held on May 29-31, 2014 at UNM. The workshop was a less-advanced modeling experience, focusing on using Google Earth to create GIS content, developing a watershed model and using it to visualize various scenarios, using free geographical data sources and software, and novel approaches to creating 3D models. While UVMN students did not get to travel to the Jemez Mountains, they did participate in the Tri-State Meeting.

WC-WAVE Tri-State Meeting

New Mexico hosted the WC-WAVE Tri-State Meeting at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science on the evening of Thursday, May 30. It was a fun-filled event of collaboration and networking, where members of the WC-WAVE team could mingle with both UVMN participants and CSDMS participants. The group was treated to a lovely dinner followed by a fractal show provided by the Fractal Man himself, Jonathan Wolfe!

For more information about WC-WAVE, visit