QGIS is an open source Geographic Information System that supports most geospatial vector and raster file types and database formats, and Open Geospatial Consortium visualization and data access services. Unlike many other open source GIS software, QGIS is available for a number of operating systems, including Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. The QGIS platform offers standard GIS functionality, including a large variety of mapping features, data editing, on-the-fly projection, and digitizing. Its support for plugins expands its functionality further by providing additional tools such as geo-referencing and spatial analysis. QGIS also
QGIS is a very strong candidate for a replacement of ArcGIS. In contrast to ArcGIS, highly configurable programmable environments are often preferable for scientists and researchers who need to be able to precisely reproduce and distribute their work. The open and modular nature of QGIS is of particular benefits to users who can easily add improvements to the software and can access all components.
The features of QGIS are easy to work with and a simple map can be generated quickly. Some of the more complex features such as thematic mapping and querying take more time to understand and learn to successfully apply it. Some of the more basic features that GIS users would expect are surprisingly not available, such as text or graphic insertion. Overall, QGIS is free GIS software which is remarkably sophisticated with some very valuable tools.
The QGIS desktop provides a wide and growing range of capabilities via its core functions and plugins. The users can visualize, manage, edit, analyze geospatial data, and compose printable maps. QGIS browser, server, and web clients make the publication of GIS projects with ease. QGIS provides integration with other open source GIS packages, including PostGIS, GRASS, and MapServer to give users extensive functionality.
QGIS is developed by a team of dedicated volunteers and organizations and it has an international support community of enthusiastic users, developers, and supporters. It has plugin architecture. This allows many new features/functions to be easily added to the application. The Get Involved webpage
(http://www.qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/index.html#) provides information and support resources for software developers working with QGIS.
Geographic information science, widely used all over the world, in a myriad of disciplines.
Licensing: QGIS is free and open source cross-platform geographic information system software. Any user with an internet connection can visit one of the download sites and retrieve a copy of the software. There is no cost to the users and the source code is available under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). Visit the QGIS download page http://www.qgis.org/en/site/forusers/download.html
to find a legitimate download package for the operating system of your choice.