



RemoteView was the first successful electronic light table application to be widely available, initially developed and released commercially by Sensor Systems in 1996. An electronic light table makes it possible for imagery analysts to review satellite images on a computer instead of examining film or printed photographs. RemoteView’s main function is an imagery and geospatial analysis tool. It can display and analyze a wide array of imagery formats, elevation datasets, and vector datasets.

RemoteView is an industry leader in geospatial analysis and exploitation solutions and services. It provides a comprehensive range of capabilities, from high-powered exploitation and mapping for geospatial analysts to image analysis tools for tactical users. RemoteView is a flexible solution comprised of a powerful core product and supporting power modules. Using this modular approach, it enables users to cost-effectively and seamlessly scale their capabilities to meet their specific and evolving needs. RemoteView provides users with an intuitive graphical user interface for easy-to-use control across all capability levels, minimizing both procurement costs and training requirements.

RemoteView was originally written only for the Unix operating system, but as the US Department of Defense transitioned to the Windows operating system, RemoteView was released a Windows-based version that soon became a primary tool used by the intelligence community.


RemoteView software combines high-speed processing chain technology with a carefully refined user interface to enhance workflow and boost productivity on the largest images, videos, and datasets. RemoteView offers a full spectrum of geospatial exploration and analysis capabilities, including visualization, image enhancements, photogrammetry, orthorectification, multispectral classification, pan sharpening, change detection and more.


Overwatch offers a series of extensions that add specialized capabilities to RemoteView to expand users’ geospatial and business needs. These extensions include Virtual Mosaic, 3D Pro, GeoCatalog, RVConnect, V-TRAC Basic, V-TRAC Pro, and GEO2PDF. For more information about these extensions, please visit


Remote sensing, image processing and analysis, and geographic information science.

RemoteView has been used around the globe by a wide variety of organizations to support civil and commercial satellite imagery analysis to monitor climate change, wildlife, ecosystems and erosion, as well as for other applications, especially in the intelligence and security field.

Licensing Description: 

Commercial software, permanent licensing (excluding upgrade). Academic and student use licensing is available. All products are not available as free applications and no applications are available as open source applications. A listing of available products is provided at:

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