Call for Seed Award & Diversity IWG Proposals!
New Mexico EPSCoR is announcing two brand new rounds of funding for Infrastructure Seed Awards and Diversity Innovation Work Groups (IWGs). As part of our 5-year Energize New Mexico grant, NM EPSCoR seeks to improve our understanding of how New Mexico can realize its energy development potential in a sustainable manner. Along with the six science components and cyberinfrastructure, NM EPSCoR is also committed to broadening participation in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), diversifying STEM fields, and communicating research to the public. IWGs and Seed Awards are an important part of these components.
Any proposal process can be difficult and time-consuming. Mary Jo Daniel, NM EPSCoR Associate Director, will host two informational webinars about the Diversity Innovation Working Group and Seed Award proposal process. Space is limited, so you must register. If you wish to participate, see the information about the webinars on our events page. Connection information will be sent out prior to the webinar. Proposers do NOT have to attend the webinar to be eligible to submit a proposal.
About the Infrastructure Seed Grant Program
The Infrastructure Seed Grant program is designed to increase the impact of NM EPSCoR on the undergraduate student population at New Mexico's non-PhD granting instututions; The intent is to increase the access of undergraduates, especially members of underrepresented groups, to research experiences. Faculty members at any public (including the Bureau of Indian Education) 2- or 4-year New Mexico college or university that does not offer STEM PhD degree programs are eligible to apply. For more detailed information, including the full list of eligibility and proposal requirements, view the 2013-2014 Infrastructure Seed Grant Solicitation Announcement (PDF). Proposals must be submitted electronically to Tracy Hart at by 5:00 PM, 31 January 2014.
About Diversity Innovation Working Groups
Diversity Innovation Working Groups provide a venue for researchers, educators, and nationally recognized experts to address challenges associated with engaging and retaining women, members of underrepresented groups, and first‐generation college students in STEM in New Mexico. Successful Diversity IWGs will result in innovative proposals to NSF or other agencies, publication of synthesis papers in peer-‐reviewed journals, or other defined outputs that are likely to contribute to broadening participation in STEM. For more detailed information, including the full list of eligibility and proposal requirements, view the 2013-2014 Diversity Innovation Working Group Solicitation Announcement (PDF). Proposals must be submitted electronically to Tracy Hart at by 5:00 PM, 20 January 2014.