Capaware is free and open source cross-platform 3D geographic information system software. It is a free software project that was co-developed by the University of Las Palmas (Spain) and Canary Islands Technological Institute (Spain). In 2007, the first version of Capaware was released by the Government of Canary Islands, Spain, for the purpose of promoting the development of free software.
Capaware GIS platform provides traditional GIS functions to support the entire GIS workflow, and at the mean time enables the loading of Web Map Service (WMS) layers on 3D environments. In order to achieve high rates of frames per second, Capaware uses OpenSceneGraph as the graphic engine, and therefore 3D objects can be placed on the ground with dynamic elements displayed. In addition, it allows interaction with 3D virtual terrain mapping. As a matter of fact, the main objective of Capaware is to provide a useful and powerful tool for visual 3D analysis.
Capaware was developed in C++ programming language, and therefore the smoothness in the operation is realistic. At present it works under Microsoft Windows and Linux. Capaware allows connection to external servers using OGC protocol to obtain geospatial data. It also integrates with OpenSceneGraph, WxWidgets, Curl, and Boost free GPL free software components for its implementation. Capaware is also used as an SKD for developers to develop their plug-ins extend the functionality.
Capaware is a framework for developing 3D multilayer geographical models. It offers a wide range of applications to serve as a 3D general purpose virtual world viewer. Capaware provides the ability to remotely access the geospatial data that fit the specifications of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). It also uses OpenSceneGraph as the graphic engine, which achieves high rates of frames per second.
As one of the open source GIS software, Capaware is developed by a team of volunteers and it has a plug-in architecture. In Capaware, a plug-in is designed as an external module that implements an application feature to be added to the system. Capaware has the ability to include plug-ins, self-developed or developed by third parties, to extend their functionality. At present only a few plug-ins have been developed.
Geographic information science, widely used in many disciplines in the Spanish-speaking counties across the world, although it has been available in English too. For more information about the disciplines of Capaware, please visit http://www.capaware.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=57&...
Capaware is free and open source cross-platform 3D geographic information system software. Any users with an internet access can visit the website and retrieve a copy of the software. There is no cost to the users and the source code is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). Visit the Capaware download page at http://www.capaware.org/index.php?option=com_docman&Itemid=74/