NM EPSCoR Research Tools
This page contains a vast array of tools and technologies, including geographic information systems, database management, statistical analysis and visualization, and metadata, in an effort to help NM EPSCoR researchers achieve efficient data management. Each tool or technology provides a combination of description and review to help NM EPSCoR researchers choose the most appropriate one.
For information regarding research tools, please contact Su Zhang at szhang@edac.unm.edu or at (505) 615-9896.
Search the Research Tools Catalog
Global Mapper Type: Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Software Global Mapper is a GIS software package developed by Blue Marble Geographics that runs on Microsoft Windows at an affordable price (single unit licensing is less than $500). It competes with ESRI... |
GeoTime Type: Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Software GeoTime is a multi-platform (Microsoft Windows and Mac OSX) geospatial analysis software that allows the visual analysis of events over time. It has developed a visualization technique that... |
Geomajas 1.12.0 Type: Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Software Geomajas is an enterprise-ready free and open source cross-platform (Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX) GIS framework for the web. It has been written in Java and building on the Spring... |
GeoDA Type: Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Software The Spatial-Time Analysis of Regional Systems (STARS) is a free and open source cross-platform (Microsoft Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux) geographic information system software package designed for... |
DIVA-GIS 7.5 Type: Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Software The DIVA-GIS platform is a free and open source cross-platform (Microsoft Windows and Mac OSX) geographic information system software package. It was specifically developed for use with biological... |
AGIS Type: Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Software AGIS is a mapping and simple GIS package specifically designed to be easy to use, and distributed as shareware via the world wide web. Maps and data can be provided by the user in the form of text... |
Capaware Type: Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Software Capaware is free and open source cross-platform 3D geographic information system software. It is a free software project that was co-developed by the University of Las Palmas (Spain) and Canary... |
ERDAS ER Mapper Type: Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Software ER Mapper is a Microsoft Windows operating system-based powerful remote sensing software package, capable of performing many complicated tasks. The traditional strengths of ER Mapper lie in the... |
Falcon View Type: Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Software FalconView is a free and open source mapping system created by the Georgia Tech Research Institute for the Microsoft Windows family of operating systems. It supports the display of aeronautical... |
Generic Mapping Tools Type: Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Software The Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) are an free and open source cross-platform (Microsoft Windows, Mac OSX, and Unix) software package designed for the analysis and display of geoscience data, helping... |